Its been a while, but I'm finally back with the blogging. After a crazy 4 month long summer, followed by another 2 crazy weeks of being a university fresher, I am ready to get myself back to it. Its been almost a month since I moved to Brighton to start my adventures at university, just enough time for me to sort my room out ready for a blog post. As student halls are limited for Brighton University students, I am currently living in a shared student house with 7 other lovely first years like me.

Luckily for me I had second pick on the rooms, so managed to grab myself the big front room that stays lovely and warm from the sunshine all day. I brought most of the things in my room from home, rather than buying these things all over again.
Jammy Dodger pillow- Sass & Belle
'M' pillow- Matalan
Fold up table - Habitat
Bedding - Tesco
Lamp - Homebase
Prints - FreePrints
I am a little bit of a neat freak, and I like to organise and sort out my things, especially when it comes to stationary. These desk compartments from Tkmaxx are basically a life saver, with so many bits and bobs to organise they do the job perfectly.
As a Media, Industry and Innovation student I brought two of my favourite books with me that may be useful for me on my course. Along with notebooks to help me with my studies and keep me organised.
Read this if you want to take great photographs. Henry Carroll - Urban Outfitters
Advertising. Tom Himpe - Amazon
Lined notebooks - Paperchase
I wanted to bring lots of little bits from home to make my room seem more homely, rather than plain and empty. I brought my Crosley record player along with a few different records, as I know Brighton has some amazing vinyl shops and lots of second hand music stores that I can't wait to browse in.
Crosley record player - Urban Outfitters
'M' initial - Matalan
These two pictures were taken on my mums 21st birthday, when she and my dad got engaged. I've had them on my wall at home for so long, I couldn't leave them behind.
As a good luck at university gift from my stepdad, I received a lovely bottle of Moët that was shared between my housemates on our first night of freshers. It has aways been a tradition in my family that when you receive a special bottle on a special occasion you should put a penny into the cork for good luck.
Using the polaroids I took over the summer I decorated my room with them, to add some colour to the walls as we are not allowed to put up shelves or picture frames.
And finally I have the loveliest view of a busy Brighton road, that reminds me of the wonderful city I am so lucky to be studying in.
Keep up to date with my Brighton Adventures on Instagram
- Milly