^ This is Jodie
I think I met Jodie when we were about 9 years old. I can't remember the first time we met, what we said, or where we were, so this isn't going to be some perfect story about how we instantly clicked and became best buds for life because I can't actually recall our first encounter. I guess at that point in my life I had never really appreciated friendships, and always thought of friends as people that you used to play with at school. But I guess as we grew up I began to respect having such a lovely, friendly person by my side.
I don't know if its just my awful memory, but I can only actually think of one time that we ever had an argument, and I can't even remember what it was about. All I know is that we were at a bowling alley. Thats pretty good going, 8 years and only 1 argument I can recollect.
I just wanted to write about our friendship because I don't understand it. There are so many ways in which we are completely different people, with likes from absolute different ends of the spectrum, but thats what I love about our friendship so much. Although we both love Two Door Cinema Club, and its kind of our thing to go to their concerts together, but other than that, and a few other little things I love how we can be completely ourselves around each other and still get along so well.
Also we wrote a poem together when we were 10 years old about a girl being eaten by a dog? (It was brilliant because Jodie wrote most of it, and I still have it to this day, handwritten in neat with a beautiful hand drawn tomb stone)
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Anyway I am just grateful that I have met such a kind hearted friend, and hope to continue our friendship for years to come. (soppy I know, but she really is the best) Thank You Jodie, I love you x
go stalk her Instagram because she's beautiful